Friday, April 14, 2017

Gwen Birth Story

My pregnancy with Gwen was more difficult for me then my pregnancy with Emmett. I had more complications with Emmett but I was a lot more sick and in pain with Gwen. Since I had preeclampsia with Emmett they watched my blood pressure like a hawk especially towards the end of my pregnancy. I was secretly hoping it would spike so they would induce me sooner but it never did. At my 37 week appointment I told my Doctor I want to schedule an induction for 39 weeks, I was so ready to be done and I couldn't bear to be pregnant any longer. I was already dilated to a 3 at this point and my doctor thought she would come before my scheduled induction, that however was not the case. My induction was scheduled for March 30th at 5:30 AM at St. Josephs hospital. When the day finally came I could not sleep at all and we were up at 3 AM getting ready and waiting, around 5 we were about to wake up Emmett to take him to my friends when the hospital called and said we need to push your induction back, they weren't sure when and said they would call me back. So here I sat thinking, seriously I am never going to birth this child am I. I ate some toast and took a nap and my phone rang at 7 AM and they said be here at 7:30 and we'll begin the induction. So we dropped Emmett off at my friends and headed to the hospital. When we arrived and were placed in our labor and delivery room they started my IV and waited for my doctor to come in to break my water. When he tried to break it though it wouldn't break so he had to place an internal monitor on her head which read her heart beat and at the same time broke my water. Then they started the pitocin. At this point I was dilated to a 4. We hung out for about 3 hours, contractions were happening regularly but nothing too painful, so they upped the pitocin to get things rolling, contractions started getting more and more painful so I asked for the anesthesiologist to come in and place my epidural. For what ever reason placing this epidural was a lot harder then with Emmett, I could not sit still, every time he poked me with the local anesthetic I would jump, eventually he had to be hard with me and said if you can not sit still I can not give you this. So I buckled down through contractions and got it done. So not fun but it started working immediately and I was so happy to find some relief. At this point I was dilated to a 6. About 15 minutes after receiving my epidural I started to notice my chest was going numb, I could still feel my feet but my whole upper half of my body was numb. I told my nurse who called the anesthesiologist who said it obviously took too well so to turn it off and wait 45 minutes and turn it back on. So they turned my epidural off. Taylor decided to go get something to eat and soon after he left I could feel her coming, of course at this time I am alone in my room so I called my nurse in and said I don't know whats going on but she feels like she is right there about to come out, so she checked me and low and behold I was dilated to a 10. The nurse said get your husband back in here and I'm going to call the doctor. I had to try so hard not to start pushing right then and there. Taylor finally got back and the nurse came in and we started pushing, after about 5 minutes it was time to deliver, my doctor was getting all ready and when it was time I pushed twice and out she came at 1:37 PM ( I labored for 5 hours). Since they had to turn the epidural off and then never got to turn it back on my doctor and nurses were saying I probably just delivered naturally, which I believe, I definitely felt the ring of fire, and I could feel her head stretching everything right there the whole time. It was really hard but since I was in so much pain I wanted to push even harder to get her out and be relieved. I did have a second degree tear so they gave some local anesthetic and stitched me up. Just like her brother Gwen didn't cry at all her eyes were wide open looking around and never made a sound. She weighed 8 lbs 12 oz, and was 19.5 inches long. Having a daughter has brought me so much joy these last two weeks, I love and adore my son and I will never favoritize my children but there is something to be said about being a mother and having a daughter. Even at 2 weeks old she has her own quirks and personality. We love her so dearly and are happy she is here happy, healthy and thriving.

Introducing Gwen Peggy Davis
Born March 30, 2017 1:37 PM
8.12 lbs 19.5 in

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