Baby Davis at 10 weeks
Baby Davis at 12 weeks
Being pregnant has been such an interesting yet intense experience, I have learned so much and now have sympathy for any pregnant women on the earth! Every women is different and all women experience pregnancy and the symptoms in different ways. I think I got all the sucky symptoms :P I haven't felt like myself since before I even knew I was pregnant, and when I look in the mirror I am like whoa is that really me! It is quite the experience. I didn't start showing until 18 weeks and have been growing like a weed ever since! I have gained 10 pounds total since being pregnant which I think is pretty good. I happily only carry in my stomach and not so happily in my chest. I was already busty to begin with and now, lets just say I am worried for my backs sake!
18 weeks
19 weeks
20 weeks
21 weeks
It is pretty crazy to see the pictures all lined up week to week, I encourage all those who are or who are planning on being pregnant at some time, take weekly pictures! It's the only way to really see the growth I think! We were very blessed that Taylor was able to make it home from deployment just 2 days before the ultra sound to find out the babies gender. I really wanted a girl but turns out baby Davis decided to be a boy, not gonna lie I was a little disappointed, I understand girls I don't understand boys, I live with one and I still don't get them. But every one keeps telling me it'll come naturally so hopefully I can be a fabulous mother to our little boy!
Baby BOY Davis at 20 weeks
All in all I really am ready for this whole pregnancy to be over, it really sucks feeling crappy all the time, but mostly so I can hold and love our little bundle of joy. Although I have heard they come out having a lot of the same attributes they have in the womb and if that ends up being true I can tell you he is gonna be one energetic little bugger, he is moving constantly! It feels like popcorn popping in my belly, and when he shifts positions its like someone is in there moving my kidney from side to side or something ha ha! It is definitely a cool feeling. Sadly Taylor hasn't been able to feel him, but he will soon enough, got a little over 4 months left to go and still a lot of growing to do!
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